Well, it is that time of the year again. It seems like I have spent the entire summer getting ready for our new school year. I guess I have. I took the month of June and researched curriculum, July I ordered, and for this past month I have been doing scheduling. I schedule everything through December. During Christmas break I will schedule the rest of the year. I really do enjoy this time of the year though. We get to make new goals for the year and learn new things. We also have new curriculum. The boys think it is like Christmas.
This year Ben (2nd grade) will be doing:
3rd grade Math
3rd grade Social Studies
3rd grade Science
Language Arts
This year Sonny (7th grade) will be doing:
Western Hemisphere
Language Arts
Life Science
Keyboarding~1st semester
Into to Computer Technology~2nd Semester
Young Living
Julianna (preschool) will be:
learning to write her name
basic ABC & 123's
Lots of other fun stuff.
We also go to a co-op on Fridays. (see
This is going to be a fun and busy year.
I am currently working on a new devotional schedule it will include:
Scripture reading/studying.
Learning about the prophets and general authorities and their talks
A good uplifting story
Pledge of Alligence
Word of the day
We did not do word of the day last year and the boys missed it so I will be bringing it back.
As a family we also do a character trait a month. On the first Mondayof the month during devotional I introduce the trait and then a couple days a week we talk about it, play games, role play etc... On Sunday after dinner we give out awards to the child who did the best at that trait for the week. Sometimes it has been candy bars, time with mom or dad, or a special ice cream treat. Every month is different.
Well, I will post next week what a day at the Collins Academy looks like.
Dinner tonight:
Chicken Fajitas