This year was very fun. We had a Halloween party during lunch at our Friday Homeschool Co-op school. Then we went to the church and had chili and apple juice for dinner. Then we did a Trunk or Treat. For those who do not know what it is: Everyone backs their car in a circle and decorates their trunk and hands out candy. It is safer then traditional trick or treating. Then we went to see our honorary grandma "Grandma Casto" and trick or treated at her house, then off to Grandpa's (krista's dad) to show off the costumes and get LOTS of candy.Ben was a pirate. He decided what to wear. I tried to help him but alas, he is becoming independant.
Sonny was the guy from Monopoly. He is 12 so he is not into dressing up too much anymore.
Julianna was a fairy. I had lots of fun curling her hair and putting in the flowers and the butterfly. She has sparkles on her face.
Brian and I went as their parents.krista
Very, Very, Cute!
That was sure a fun night and your kids all looked cute in their costumes.
Ok my friend I have tagged you on my blog. Have fun and I look forward to hearing about your quirks!
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