Friday, August 29, 2008

We start school on Monday!!!

Well, it is that time of the year again. It seems like I have spent the entire summer getting ready for our new school year. I guess I have. I took the month of June and researched curriculum, July I ordered, and for this past month I have been doing scheduling. I schedule everything through December. During Christmas break I will schedule the rest of the year. I really do enjoy this time of the year though. We get to make new goals for the year and learn new things. We also have new curriculum. The boys think it is like Christmas.

This year Ben (2nd grade) will be doing:

3rd grade Math
3rd grade Social Studies
3rd grade Science
Language Arts

This year Sonny (7th grade) will be doing:

Western Hemisphere
Language Arts
Life Science
Keyboarding~1st semester
Into to Computer Technology~2nd Semester
Young Living

Julianna (preschool) will be:

learning to write her name
basic ABC & 123's
Lots of other fun stuff.

We also go to a co-op on Fridays. (see

This is going to be a fun and busy year.

I am currently working on a new devotional schedule it will include:

Scripture reading/studying.
Learning about the prophets and general authorities and their talks
A good uplifting story
Pledge of Alligence
Word of the day

We did not do word of the day last year and the boys missed it so I will be bringing it back.

As a family we also do a character trait a month. On the first Mondayof the month during devotional I introduce the trait and then a couple days a week we talk about it, play games, role play etc... On Sunday after dinner we give out awards to the child who did the best at that trait for the week. Sometimes it has been candy bars, time with mom or dad, or a special ice cream treat. Every month is different.

Well, I will post next week what a day at the Collins Academy looks like.

Dinner tonight:

Chicken Fajitas


Monday, August 25, 2008


Well, since it will undoubtedly be another very busy day (we are cleaning out the garage this morning) we will be having hot dogs (yes ~ YUCK~ but my children will eat them) and homemade jojo's, with mixed veggies. I think I may cook chicken for me or saute zucchini since I am really not a huge meat eater and I really do not care for hot dogs. Only when I am pregnant (at least with the last two) and they have to be the polish kind from Costco with lots of mustard, onions, and sauerkraut. I know weird. Well, I better get back out to the garage before Brian thinks I abandoned him.



We have been very busy this last week. We have been "spring"cleaning~ in the summer. Anyway, we got the homeschool room organized. That was a HUGE task. On Thursday we went and visited my dad. Brian set up his home theater for him. Last night dad came over. He babysat Benjamin and Julianna while Brian, Sonny, and I went to the broadcast of the Twin Falls dedication at the church. When we got home we had dinner~ lasagna and salad.
We did not make it to the discovery center Thursday so we are going to try and go today. We have been so busy with other things that we need to take time for fun.

I will try to post a picture of the new inproved room later.


Sunday, August 17, 2008

I know, I know

Okay, I have been very busy. I am sorry I have not been posting.

Tonight I made up a crustless quiche recipe. It has sausage, zucchini (of course) and cheddar cheese. Then I made cinnamon sticks to go with it.

We had a garage sale yesterday. It was sooooo HOT. I think it was in the 100's but do not really know. I got sunburned on my face. I can not believe I forgot to put sunscreen on. I do not like to tan or burn. No skin cancer for me thank you.

My dad is all moved in and trying to find his bearings. He is driving around to see where eveything is.

Brian is off this Thursday through next Tuesday. We were going to go camping (we LOVE to go camping) but decided we were going to stick close to home and do a couple of fun things around here. On Thursday I have an Orientation meeting for our co-op (TEACH-see then we are going to go to the Discovery Center in Boise. For those out of towners the Discovery center is like a children's science museum. It is very fun. The kids really like it. Of course Sonny would he love science stuff. Julianna likes the little shopping store where the kiddos can pretend to shop and be a cashier. Ben likes the bubbles. You can blow HUGE bubbles.

Brian and I will be going out on Friday evening for our weekly date. We have been busy for the past little while that we have missed them. We feel it is important to get out with each other even if it is a bike ride or walk. We are going to dinner- maybe Macaroni Grill since we have never been there and have a gift certificate. Next week we will be going to the temple and then the Elder's Quorum is having an ice cream social afterwards.

Well, I will try to post more often.


Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Well, I am not feeling really well today (and Brian has to work late tonight) so it was sandwiches for dinner.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

oops~ dinner

I forgot to post dinner on the previous post.

Bean burritos



Well, I had a WONDERFUL visit with Karin yesterday. It was so nice to reminice and catch up. We miss each other so much. She just graduated 2 weeks ago with her nursing degree from BYU-Idaho. Whe will take her boards in September in Boise, so I will get to see her again.

My dad is moved in and my mom is helping him unpack. She flies back home to WA on Saturday.

We are starting school on September 2nd. Sonny will be in 7th grade and Ben will be in 2nd grade, but doing 3rd grade work. Julianna will be doing preschool stuff. I plan on starting her on Kindergarten stuff next year. So, for the next few weeks I will be planning our year out.


Monday, August 4, 2008


We had chicken Caesar salad wraps for dinner. We had Ruffles and cantaloupe also.


Sunday, August 3, 2008

Tonight's din din

Well, our friends from Pocatello did not get here last night, but they did stop by for a bit today. My parents came in too and we were all able to visit together. Then eveyone left. We decided just to have burgers and potato salad. We had lots left so it made the most sense. Sorry it was not something new.


Saturday, August 2, 2008


Well, I did two canners full of apricots. I have 13 Qts and 4 pints. I have tons more to do but ran out of narrow mouth lids and walmart was all out so I need to go somewhere else and get some. Probably Winco. I also did one batch of apricot freezer jam and three batches of cooked jam. I still have to process them today.

We are having some friends from Pocatello come for dinner tonight. Their children were the first ones I ever babysat. I learned how to change diapers on their daughter, Laura. Laura is now married and has two babies herself. It will be fun to see them.

Tomorrow my parents will be here to move my dad in to their new house. My mom will probably retire in December. She is living with her mom, my grandma Emily in the meantime.

Then on Monday my dear friend, Karin, from Rexburg will be visiting me. Her children will not be here so my children will be sad, but she is going to bring her step-daughter so Julianna will have someone to play with.

Tonight's dinner is

Cook out night!

Potato salad
grilled zucchini (of course)
angel food cake-(I think that is what I will make for dessert)
